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What is Passover? Essay -- essays research papers fc
What is Passover? Its History and Traditions Passover is probably the most seasoned celebration on the planet. This celebration falls in ...
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
What is Passover? Essay -- essays research papers fc
What is Passover? Its History and Traditions Passover is probably the most seasoned celebration on the planet. This celebration falls in spring, in the main month of the Hebrew year, called Nisan (March-April), and goes on for eight days, from the fifteenth to the twenty-third. It honors the arrival of the Israelites from Egypt and the way that God â€Å"passed over†their homes when he looked for the main conceived in that land.      According to the Bible, the tale of Passover runs as follows. A gathering of Hebrews known as the children of Jacob descended from Canaan towards Egypt. They settled under an altruistic system, where they were made slaves and set to work, fabricating the urban areas of Pithum and Raamses. The pharaoh requested all the Hebrew children to be slaughtered during childbirth. A Hebrew mother set her newborn child kid into a container and put him in the Nile River, to escape the pharaoh’s order. The Pharaoh’s girl discovered this Hebrew child, called him Moses, took him home and raised him.      One day, he saw a severe assault upon a Hebrew by an Egyptian administrator; goaded by the assault Moses killed the Egyptian. Dreading to be executed for murdering an Egyptian, he fled to Midian, where he wedded the little girl of a neighborhood cleric. On one event while going to the sheep of his dad in-law on Mount Horeb, Moses saw an exhibition of a consuming shrub. This hedge appeared to be some how not to expend. Thinking about what was going on, he came nearer to the shrubbery and the neighborhood god Yahweh (Jehovah) disclosed to him that the Israelites were enduring, and that he had been decided to discharge them from Egypt and lead them to the paradisal land, what is referred to now as Palestine and Syria. Moses needed to acquaint Jehovah with the Israelites, and after they had received him, he needed to go to the Pharaoh and solicitation the arrival of the individuals.      To show that it was without a doubt Jehovah, who had addressed Moses, Moses was outfitted with three otherworldly qualifications. To start with, his staff was transformed into a snake and afterward returned to its typical shape. Second, when he put his hand under his sleeve, it became diseased and afterward it recuperated when he evacuated it. Third, he was informed that if the individuals continued scrutinizing his crucial, was to give them noticeable evidence by diverting water from the Nile into blood before their eyes.      As charged, ... ...ortance, empowering the individual to know about appreciation, and to broaden an individual’s point of view of himself/herself according to his/her kindred people. The Feast of Freedom, called Passover, is a case of an important story demonstrating God’s purpose to pass on a harmony between the Hebrews’ self concerns and the worries of their adversaries, as God reminds the Hebrew to petition God for the fallen Egyptians armed force and the killed first-borns of the Egyptian families. Passover’s idea of opportunity isn't just a reason for festivity, yet in addition a solid exercise in the estimation of how an individual should act or a gathering should act to other people. Catalog Bulka, Reuven P. What you thought you thought about Judaism. Jason Aronson Inc. Northvale, New Jersey. 1989 Cardozo, Arlene Rossen Jewish Family Celebrations. St. Martin’s Press, New York . 1982 Fredman, Ruth Gruber The Passover Seder. College of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia. 1981 Goodman, Philip The Passover Anthology. The Jewish Publication Society of America. Philadelphia. 1971 Sohn, Seock-tae The Divine Election of Israel. William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company. Excellent Rapids, Michigan. 1991
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Speak by Laurie Hale Anderson - Book Review
Talk by Laurie Hale Anderson - Book Review Talk by Laurie Halse Anderson is a numerous honor winning book, however it is additionally recorded by the American Library Association as one of the main 100 books tested between 2000-2009. Consistently a few books are tested and prohibited the country over by people and associations who accept the substance of the books are unseemly. In this audit you will study the book Speak, the difficulties it has gotten, and what Laurie Halse Andersonâ and others need to state about the issue of control.  Speak: The Story  Melinda Sardino is a multi year old sophomore whose life is drastically and for all time changed the night she goes to a finish of summer party.  At the gathering Melinda is assaulted and calls the police, however doesn’t get the chance to report the wrongdoing. Her companions, thinking she called to bust the gathering, avoid her and she turns into a pariah. When dynamic, famous, and a decent understudy, Melinda has gotten pulled back and discouraged. She abstains from talking and doesn’t deal with her physical or psychological well-being. Every one of her evaluations begin to slide, aside from her Art evaluation, and she starts to characterize herself by little demonstrations of resistance, for example, declining to give an oral report and playing hooky. In the mean time, Melinda’s attacker, a more seasoned understudy, quietly insults her at each chance. Melinda doesn’t revealâ the subtleties of her experienceâ until one of her previous companions starts to date a similar kid who assaulted Melinda. While trying to caution her companion, Melinda composes an unknown letter and afterward defies the young lady and clarifies what truly occurred at the gathering. At first, the previous companion will not trust Melinda and blames her for desire, however later says a final farewell to the kid. Melinda is gone up against by her rapistâ who blames her for obliterating his notoriety. He endeavors to ambush Melinda once more, yet this time she finds the ability to talk and shouts uproariously enough to be heard by different understudies who are close by.   Speak: The Controversy and the Censorship  Since its distribution discharge in 1999 Speak has been tested on its substance about assault, rape and self-destructive considerations. In September of 2010 one Missouri educator needed the book prohibited from the Republic School District since he considered the two assault scenes â€Å"soft pornography.†His assault on the book evoked a media tempest of reactions remembering an announcement from the writer herself for which she guarded her book. (Source: Laurie Halse Anderson’s Web webpage) The American Library Association recorded Speak as number 60 in the main one hundred books to be restricted or tested somewhere in the range of 2000 and 2009. Anderson knew when she composed this story that it would be a questionable theme, however she is stunned at whatever point she finds out about a test toâ her book. She composes that Speak is about the enthusiastic injury endured by a teenager after a rape and isn't delicate sex entertainment. (Source: Laurie Halse Andersons Web website) Notwithstanding Andersons protection of her book, her distributing organization, Penguin Young Readers Group, set a full page promotion in the New York Times to help the writer and her book. Penguin spokeswoman Shanta Newlin expressed, That such a designed book could be tested is disturbing. (Source: Publishers Weekly Web website)  Speak: Laurie Halse Anderson and Censorship  Anderson uncovers in numerous meetings that the thought for Speak went to her in a bad dream. In her bad dream a young lady is crying, however Anderson didn't have the foggiest idea about the explanation until she began to compose. As she composed the voice of Melinda came to fruition andâ began to speak. Anderson felt constrained to disclose to Melindas story. With the accomplishment of her book (a National Award finalist and a Printz Honor Award) came the reaction of debate and oversight. Anderson was staggered, however ended up in another situation to stand in opposition to restriction. States Anderson, â€Å"Censoring books that manage troublesome, pre-adult issues doesn't secure anyone. It leaves kids in the dimness and makes them helpless. Oversight is the offspring of dread and the dad of numbness. Our youngsters can't stand to have reality of the world retained from them.†(Source: Banned Books Blog) Anderson dedicates a segment of her site to oversight issues and explicitly addresses the difficulties to her book Speak. She contends with regards to instructing others about rape and records startling insights about young ladies who have been assaulted. (Source: Laurie Halse Andersons Web Site) Anderson is effectively engaged with national gatherings that fight oversight and book restricting, for example, the ABFFE (American Booksellers for Free Expression), the National Coalition Against Censorship, and the Freedom to Read Foundation.  Speak: My Recommendation  Talk is a novel about strengthening and it is a book that each high schooler, particularly teenager young ladies, should peruse. There is an opportunity to be calm and an opportunity to stand up, and on the issue of rape, a young lady needs to discover the mental fortitude to speak loudly and request help. This is the hidden message of Speak and the message Laurie Halse Anderson is attempting to pass on to her perusers. It must be clarified that Melindas assault scene is a flashback and there are no realistic subtleties, yet suggestions. The tale is centered around the enthusiastic effect of the demonstration, and not simply the demonstration. By composing Speak and protecting its entitlement to voice an issue, Anderson has opened the entryway for other authorsâ to expound on genuine youngster issues. In addition to the fact that this books manage a contemporary high schooler issue, however its a true multiplication of the teenager voice. Anderson deftly catches the secondary school understanding and comprehends the high schooler perspective on clubs and what it feels like to be an outsider. I thought about the age proposals for quite a while on the grounds that this is such a significant book, that should be read. Its a ground-breaking book for conversation and 12 is an age when young ladies are changing genuinely and socially. In any case, I understand that as a result of the develop content, each multi year old may not be prepared for the book. Subsequently, I suggest it for a very long time 14-18 and, what's more, for those 12 and multi year olds with the development to deal with the subject. The distributers suggested ages for this book is 12 and up. (Speak, 2006. ISBN: 9780142407325)
Monday, August 10, 2020
How to Identify and Cope With Emotional Abuse
How to Identify and Cope With Emotional Abuse Relationships Violence and Abuse Print How to Identify and Cope With Emotional Abuse By Sherri Gordon facebook twitter Sherri Gordon is a published author and a bullying prevention expert. Learn about our editorial policy Sherri Gordon Reviewed by Reviewed by Amy Morin, LCSW on July 01, 2019 facebook twitter instagram Amy Morin, LCSW, is a psychotherapist, author of the bestselling book 13 Things Mentally Strong People Dont Do, and a highly sought-after speaker. Learn about our Wellness Board Amy Morin, LCSW Updated on January 21, 2020 Verywell / Brianna Gilmartin More in Relationships Violence and Abuse Spouses & Partners LGBTQ Feeling insulted and wounded. Never measuring up. Walking on eggshells. If these statements describe your relationship, it is likely you are being emotionally abused. In general, a relationship is emotionally abusive when there is a consistent pattern of abusive words and bullying behaviors that wear down a persons self-esteem and undermine their mental health.?? Whats more, mental or emotional abuse, while most common in dating and married relationships, can occur in any relationship including among friends, family members, and coworkers. Emotional abuse is one of the hardest forms of abuse to recognize. It can be subtle and insidious or overt and manipulative. Either way, it chips away at the victims self-esteem and they begin to doubt their perceptions and reality. The underlying goal in emotional abuse is to control the victim by discrediting, isolating, and silencing. In the end, the victim feels trapped. They are often too wounded to endure the relationship any longer, but also too afraid to leave. So the cycle just repeats itself until something is done. Impact of Emotional Abuse When emotional abuse is severe and ongoing, a victim may lose their entire sense of self, sometimes without a single mark or bruise. Instead, the wounds are invisible to others, hidden in the self-doubt, worthlessness and self-loathing the victim feels. In fact, research indicates that the consequences of emotional abuse are just as severe as those from physical abuse.?? Over time, the accusations, verbal abuse, name-calling, criticisms, and gaslighting erode a victims sense of self so much that they can no longer see themselves realistically. Consequently, the victim begins to agree with the abuser and becomes internally critical. Once this happens, most victims become trapped in the abusive relationship believing that they will never be good enough for anyone else. Emotional abuse can even impact friendships because emotionally abused people often worry about how people truly see them and if they truly like them. Eventually, victims will pull back from friendships and isolate themselves, convinced that no one likes them. Whats more, emotional abuse can cause a number of health problems including everything from depression and anxiety to stomach ulcers, heart palpitations, eating disorders, and insomnia. How to Spot the Signs of Emotional Abuse When examining your own relationship, remember that emotional abuse is often subtle. As a result, it can be very hard to detect. If you are having trouble discerning whether or not your relationship is abusive, stop and think about how the interactions with your partner, friend or family member make you feel. If you feel wounded, frustrated, confused, misunderstood, depressed, anxious or worthless any time you interact, chances are high that your relationship is emotionally abusive. Here are signs that you may be in an emotionally abusive relationship. Keep in mind, even if your partner only does a handful of these things, you are still in an emotionally abusive relationship. Do not fall into the trap of telling yourself its not that bad and minimizing their behavior. Remember, everyone deserves to be treated with kindness and respect. Emotionally abusive people display unrealistic expectations. Some examples include: Making unreasonable demands of youExpecting you to put everything aside and meet their needsDemanding you spend all of your time togetherBeing dissatisfied no matter how hard you try or how much you giveCriticizing you for not completing tasks according to their standardsExpecting you to share their opinions (you are not permitted to have a different opinion)Demanding that you name exact dates and times when discussing things that upset you (when you cannot do this, they dismisses the event as if it never happened) ?Emotionally abusive people invalidate you. Some examples include: Undermining, dismissing, or distorting your perceptions or your realityRefusing to accept your feelings by trying to define how you should feelRequiring you to explain and explain and explain how you feelAccusing you of being too sensitive, too emotional, or crazyRefusing to acknowledge or accept your opinions or ideas as validDismissing your requests, wants, and needs as ridiculous or unmeritedSuggesting that your perceptions are wrong or that you cannot be trusted by saying things like youre blowing this out of proportion or you exaggerateAccusing you of being selfish, needy or materialistic if you express your wants or needs (the expectation is that you should not have any wants or needs) ?Emotionally abusive people create chaos. Some examples include: Starting arguments for the sake of arguingMaking confusing and contradictory statements (sometimes called crazy-making)Having drastic mood changes or sudden emotional outburstsNitpicking at your clothes, your hair, your work, and moreBehaving so erratically and unpredictably that you feel like you are walking on eggshells ?Emotionally abusive people use emotional blackmail. Some examples include: Manipulating and controlling you by making you feel guiltyHumiliating you in public or in privateUsing your fears, values, compassion or other hot buttons to control you or the situationExaggerating your flaws or pointing them out in order to deflect attention or to avoid taking responsibility for their poor choices or mistakesDenying that an event took place or lying about itPunishing you by withholding affection Emotionally abusive people act superior and entitled. Some examples include: Treating you like you are inferiorBlaming you for their mistakes and shortcomingsDoubting everything you say and attempting to prove you wrongMaking jokes at your expenseTelling you that your opinions, ideas, values, and thoughts are stupid, illogical or do not make senseTalking down to you or being condescendingUsing sarcasm when interacting with youActing like they are always right, knows what is best and is smarter ?Emotionally abusive people attempt to isolate and control you. Some examples include: Controlling who you see or spend time with including time with friends and family??Monitoring your phone calls, text messages, social media, and emailAccusing you of cheating and being jealous of outside relationships??Taking or hiding your car keysDemanding to know where you are at all times or using GPS to track your every move??Treating you like a possession or propertyCriticizing or making fun of your friends, family, and coworkersUsing jealousy and envy as a sign of love and to keep you from being with othersCoercing you into spending all of your time togetherControlling the finances?? If you suspect your partner, family member or friend may be emotionally abusing you, contact a counselor, an advocate or a pastor for assistance. You also can call the National Domestic Violence Hotline 1-800-799-SAFE(7233) or visit their website thehotline.org and chat online with someone right away. 7 Ways to Deal With Emotional Abuse The first step in dealing with an emotionally abusive relationship is to recognize that it is happening. If you were able to identify any aspect of emotional abuse in your relationship, it is important to acknowledge that first and foremost. By being honest about what you are experiencing, you can begin to take control of your life again. Here are seven more strategies for reclaiming your life that you can put into practice today. Make your mental and physical health a priority. Stop worrying about pleasing the person abusing you. Take care of your needs. Do something that will help you think positive and affirm who you are. Also, be sure to get an appropriate amount of rest and eat healthy meals. These simple self-care steps can go a long way in helping you deal with the day-to-day stresses of emotional abuse.?? Establish boundaries with the abuser. Firmly tell the abusive person that they may no longer yell at you, call you names, insult you, be rude to you, and so on. Then, tell them what will happen if they choose to engage in this behavior. For instance, tell them that if they call you names or insult you, the conversation will be over and you will leave the room. The key is to follow through on your boundaries. Do not communicate boundaries that you have no intention of keeping. Stop blaming yourself. If you have been in an emotionally abusive relationship for any amount of time, you may believe that there is something severely wrong with you. Why else would someone who says they love you act like this, right? But you are not the problem. Abuse is a choice. So stop blaming yourself for something you have no control over. Realize that you cannot fix the abusive person. Despite your best efforts, you will never be able to change an emotionally abusive person by doing something different or by being different. An abusive person makes a choice to behave abusively. Remind yourself that you cannot control their actions and that you are not to blame for their choices. The only thing you can fix or control is your response. Do not engage with an abusive person. In other words, if an abuser tries to start an argument with you, begins insulting you, demands things from you or rages with jealousy, do not try to make explanations, soothe their feelings or make apologies for things you did not do. Simply walk away from the situation if you can. Engaging with an abuser only sets you up for more abuse and heartache. No matter how hard you try, you will not be able to make things right in their eyes. Build a support network. Stop being silent about the abuse you are experiencing. Talk to a trusted friend, family member or even a counselor about what you are experiencing. Take time away from the abusive person as much as possible and spend time with people who love and support you.?? This network of healthy friends and confidantes will help you feel less lonely and isolated. They also can speak truth into your life and help you put things into perspective. Work on an exit plan. If your partner, friend, or family member has no intention of changing or working on their poor choices, you will not be able to remain in the abusive relationship forever. It will eventually take a toll on you both mentally and physically. Depending on your situation, you may need to take steps to end the relationship. Each situation is different; so discuss your thoughts and ideas with a trusted friend, family member or counselor.??
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Is Military Recruitment at High Schools Acceptable
Is Military Recruitment at High Schools Acceptable? In this or that form military recruiters were often associated with high schools; yet, with the beginning of the Iraq War this presence became much more noticeable and led to controversy in the recent years. For some reasons, the society and, most notably, parents consider high school students to be far less intelligent than the ones studying in college, only a couple of years older, and try to prevent them from taking rash decisions. It is rather strange, if we think about it logically. What military service is if not yet another career prospect, however negatively we may think of the armed forces and wars? And a career prospect that may be a real way out for students who are unable to find more lucrative options or cannot pay for college. What is most important, if high school students are mature enough to choose what college they are going to apply to and what career they are going to pursue, why are they not considered to be intelligent enough to choose the career of a soldier? Understand me correctly – I am no fan of the military myself. Yet, I like the signs of nanny-statism ever growing around us even less. And what is worse, the majority of people seem to support this and similar ideas, not understanding that what they are trying to do is creating the nation of people who remain infants until they are suddenly called grown-ups. Do they really believe that such people may ever be independent and self-sufficient in their life? When we persuade somebody really energetically that he is this and that, he finally starts to believe it. Impressing upon a teenager that he is a stupid child incapable of competent decisions, we imprint it in his consciousness until the end of his life.
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Review Of Euripides 1, Alcestis And The Medea - 1078 Words
In the play called â€Å"Euripides 1, Alcestis and The Medea†, they share a common theme, which is heroism. In the play, the two main characters who are females, show a sign of heroism and honor. In addition, both of their husbands named, Jason and Admetus, show dishonor in the scenes, that are the cause of their misfortune In results, in Greek heroism and honor, comes with great sacrifices, hidden emotion, yet in the 21 century, heroism is looked upon differently. In the play â€Å"Alcestis,†Alcestis shows great Greek heroism and honor, despite that she has children, she is willing to die for her husband, because no one else wants to die for him. Although, she does show emotion, of sorrow and sadness inside the house, but never in public. Making her more of a hero than her husband, Admetus. Admetus has the choice to die, but he is afraid of dying, yet Admetus friend, Apollo made it easier for him to live by convincing death to replace his death with another soul. Seeing no one volunteer for his death, Admetus wife, Alcestis honorably volunteer, when not even his father volunteer to die for him. Admetus was mad at his father Pheres, because he did not sacrifice his life for him, knowing that Pheres had already done his job of raising him and giving him wealth. Pheres told Admetus that â€Å"You fought shamelessly for a way to escape death, and passed your proper moment, and dare to call me a coward, when you let your women out dare you and die for a magnificent young man†(Alcestis 34).
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Fountainhead and Anthem Essay Anthem Free Essays
At the age of five he advanced to home of the student, where he got scolded for learning faster then his brothers. Equality teachers told him that he had evil in his bones because he was taller then his brothers. Then at the age of fifteen when the house of v actions came Equality was guilty of the great transgression of preference because he wanted d to be a scholar, but his selected vocation was to be a street sweeper. We will write a custom essay sample on The Fountainhead and Anthem Essay Anthem or any similar topic only for you Order Now Every day while he sweep t by the fields he would watch and smile at Liberty and she would smile back. Liberty was a woo man that worked in the home of the peasants. Making contact with a woman was prohibited buy t for when in the palace of the mating. The palace of the mating was where people were forced to breed. Equality thought touching a woman was shameful and ugly. The! En one day while he s wept the streets he found a grate that led to underground tunnel full of things from the unmeant enable times. For two years he went to the tunnel and discovered a new glowing light. Then one day while in the tunnel decided that he must share his secret with his brothers. He decided that he w loud bring his secret in front of the world council meeting. When Equality entered the world council I meeting the scholars got frightened and angry. They demanded that he tell them why he was there. He connected the wires and they glowed, the scholars backed up against the wall as they stared in horror. They told him that he they were going to punish for breaking so many laws. Equality trembled in fright he quickly grabbed the light and ran to the uncharted foresee t. No man followed because they feared the unknown. Those are all the ways in which Equality reek acted the view of society. The uncharted forest represented freedom. When Equality spent his first night in the rest when he woke up he laughed and rolled through the leaves and the MO as because he realized he was free which meant no more waking up to a bell, no more meal s prepared for him, and no more sweeping streets. Then as he walked through the forest he cam e too river he stopped and looked in the water for the first time in his whole life he saw ha t he looked like. When he saw his reflection it surprised him he did not look like his brothers h e looked stronger than his brothers who looked short and fragile. The next day in the forest he had heard footsteps behind him he turned around and it was Liberty. She had heard of what he did d and followed his path into the forest. While in the forest Equality hugged Liberty and realized t hat holding the body of a woman was not shameful. They walked for many days the farther t hey went from the city the safer they felt. â€Å"Everything which comes from the many is good. Every thing that come from one is evil. †Any Rand wrote this in the end of the ninth chapter when CEQ laity begins to doubt everything he has learned in the city. The mountains represented a en w beginning. In the mountains Equality and Liberty found a house left from the unmentionable it sees. In the house there are many things they have never seen before like mirrors, light bulbs, a library full of books, and nice clothes. They promise to never leave the house and they claim m it as theirs. They learn the word I while reading books from the huge library. Equality also name sees Liberty and himself, while reading through a book he learns of Prometheus who was a ma n who stole fire from the gods and taught men use the power of gods. Prometheus was punish heed as are all who bring light to men. He also reads of Gage who mother of the gods and of earth h. How to cite The Fountainhead and Anthem Essay Anthem, Essays
Saturday, May 2, 2020
Enhancing Interaction Between Domestic and International
Question: Discuss about the Enhancing Interaction Between Domestic and International. Answer: Introduction: Tendency of going abroad for the higher education has been increasing day by day. Australia has become a popular destination for the international students. This country represents an appropriate destination to continue study for the students. Australia not only provides standard qualification but also it is known for its welcoming nature towards the multicultural society. Apart from that Australia bears a reputation of being the friendliest country with low rate of crimes; all these factors have helped Australia to become most approachable for the foreign students. Not only this, reports have revealed that few cities of Australia have been ranked as the most liveable cities. This is one of the reasons to attract the international students. Moreover, educational charge is comparatively less than other students destination like UK an USA. On addition, employment rate is also high in this country. Due to this reasons students from different part of the world prefer to pursue their higher degree of education from the Australian universities. As per the report, 24% of the population of Australian university is made up the international universities. On addition, 82% of these foreign students come from the Asian countries. Cropley (2014), mentioned, in Asian countries a trend is present among the young students to go abroad for the further studies; Australia has defeated other countries in this context due to its friendly culture, standard educational system and affordable university charges. This report has been constructed to understand the perceptions of the students belong to different socio-cultural background. For this research proposal course of accounting has been chosen as the number of international representatives in this concern has been increased. The purpose of this research project is to evaluate the preferences of the learning style between international and domestic students. For the better understanding literature aspect of this topic has been included. Few questions have been included here that will be followed while conducting the research. Apart from that research questions have been described along with the hypothesis to make the report valid and approachable. Research questions: What is the difference between the national and international students of Australia in the field of accountancy? What are the reasons for the difference between the national and the international students? What is the difference in the infrastructure of the education system of national and international students? What is the difference in the performance level of the international and national students in the field of accountancy? Literature view: Students from different parts of the world choose Australia over other countries for the higher education due to the friendliness and flexible expenses; however, there are reports that has revealed that international students sometimes feel pressurized due to the new learning techniques, languages, cultural and social environments (Stromquist and Monkman2014). Arkoudiset al. (2013), has also mentioned that universities usually focus on their learning tutorials and overlook the factor that whether the international students are coping with the new culture or not. University adjustment for the international students comparing to the domestic or national students have become a serious concern in present context. On the other hand, Gribble and Blackmore(2012), has argued that international students tend to draw international students in the learning techniques as well as in case of perspectives; this affects the usual educational system. Asian students prefer to learn the subject of acco unting technically whereas, for the Australian students theoretical approach is more preferable. On addition, due to the weak command over verbal English Asian students feel secure to submit written papers (Foster 2012). Apart from that, Asian students are more likely to perform better in group projects (Marginson2015). However, Chaiet al. (2012), has mentioned that, international students are shy and hesitate to take participate in the classroom activities. Hence, it is clear that different opinions are present regarding this topic and conducting a research can be helpful for the appropriate evaluation. Data Collection and analysis: Two types of data collection methods are used- qualitative and quantitative method. During a research these methods can be used independently as well as both these methods can be used together. Qualitative data collection: Qualitative data collection involves face to face interviews, online chats and revision of the case studies. As mentioned by, Pickard (2012), data collection in a qualitative way can involve much time; however, data collected using this method helps to gather quality outcomes. Moreover, researcher is required to analyse the data giving intense focus. Quantitative data collection: This kind of data collections is done through the help of online surveying, questionnaires and different kind of investigation. For the proper representation of the information, gathered in this way, chart, graphs and other statistical tools are used. For this research, qualitative research method will be followed where students will be asked face-to-face questions. Taylor, Bogdan and DeVault (2015), has mentioned that qualitative method is more appropriate as it involves direct interaction with the samples; hence, more valid data can be incorporated for the expected outcome of the research. Here, following questions can be asked to sample: Sampling techniques: Sampling techniques of a research is crucial because it weighs the validity of a research and its findings (Ott and Longnecker2015). If a researcher follows inappropriate sampling method,it will hamper the accuracy of the findings. The researcher will follow the non-probability sampling. Sample size would be of 50 where all the samples are from Australian university and studying accountancy. Half of the sample size, that is 25 students must be international students and rest of the sample must of national students. The purpose of selecting this sampling method is to collect the appropriate and relevant data for the research findings. There are no such restrictions regarding the gender and age of the student. Method of Analysis: For the research, all the collected data will be incorporated in a tabulated form. For the purpose of obtaining a clear idea, bar diagram, pie charts will be used. Such representation will help the researcher to understand the fact what percentages of the sample size has gone with a particular perspective. in this context, it should be said that all the information will be collected from primary sources, that is from the collected answer from the interviews. However, Sarantakos (2012), has mentioned that researcher should go through the theoretical aspects as well to understand the fact whether the result is contrasting with the findings or not. Research limitations: Restrictions can come across while conducting the research; for this research, potential issues are like students may not be responsive spontaneously. Moreover, for the international students, barrier of language can interrupt the continuity of the research. Another important factor is that permission must be granted from the university authority prior to conducting any research on the students, studying there. Anticipated findings: The anticipated findings depict that all the collected information will be helpful and will work as the evident for the understanding of the matter, that is difference between the international and national students in the field of accounting. Moreover, it will also be helpful to acknowledge the reasons behind the differences, if present any. Furthermore, the data and opinions of the student can help to influence changes that are expected and required within the current system. Ethical concerns: According to, Punch (2013), maintaining the ethical issues during the research process reflects the approachability of a research. For this research, research will maintain the confidentiality of the students. Moreover, during this research, researcher can come across students belong to different cultural, social and religious background. The researcher will not introduce any topic that can cause harm to the beliefs and practices of a student. On addition, researcher will sign consent papers from the authority and the participating students prior to publishing any data collected during the research. Proposed dissertation structure: The dissertation structure will include: 1st chapter: Introduction 2nd chapter: Literature Review 3rd chapter: Research Methodology 4th chapter: Data Analysis and Findings 5th chapter: Conclusion and Recommendation Time table: Key Activities 1st week 2nd week 3rd week 4th + 5th week 6th week 7th week Selection of Research topic Literature Review Research methodology Data Collection Data analysis and Interpretation Findings and discussion Conclusion and Recommendation Final Submission of Research Work Conclusion: This research proposal has been constructed to give an outline for the research on the topic of Australian Education System: Difference between International and National Students in the field of accounting. This research proposal has given a detailed account on the steps and activities that will be followed during the research procedures. The research will follow qualitative data collection method from the non-probability sample. Questions, for the interview with the students have also been incorporated here. This research proposal will help to implement all the processes discussed here along with proper evaluation of the findings of the research. Reference list: Arkoudis, S., Watty, K., Baik, C., Yu, X., Borland, H., Chang, S., Lang, I., Lang, J. and Pearce, A., 2013. Finding common ground: enhancing interaction between domestic and international students in higher education.Teaching in Higher Education,18(3), pp.222-235. Chai, P.P.M., Krgeloh, C.U., Shepherd, D. and Billington, R., 2012. Stress and quality of life in international and domestic university students: cultural differences in the use of religious coping.Mental Health, Religion Culture,15(3), pp.265-277. Cropley, A.J. ed., 2014.Towards a system of lifelong education: Some practical considerations(Vol. 7). Elsevier. Foster, G., 2012. The impact of international students on measured learning and standards in Australian higher education.Economics of Education Review,31(5), pp.587-600. Gribble, C. and Blackmore, J., 2012. Re-positioning Australia's international education in global knowledge economies: implications of shifts in skilled migration policies for universities.Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management,34(4), pp.341-354. Marginson, S., 2015. Is Australia overdependent on international students?.International Higher Education, (54). Ott, R.L. and Longnecker, M.T., 2015.An introduction to statistical methods and data analysis. Nelson Education. Pickard, A., 2012.Research methods in information. Facet publishing. Punch, K.F., 2013.Introduction to social research: Quantitative and qualitative approaches. Sage. Sarantakos, S., 2012.Social research. Palgrave Macmillan. Stromquist, N.P. and Monkman, K. eds., 2014.Globalization and education: Integration and contestation across cultures. RL Education. Taylor, S.J., Bogdan, R. and DeVault, M., 2015.Introduction to qualitative research methods: A guidebook and resource. John Wiley Sons.
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